Steam Rooms

We offer a wide range of steam rooms and steam showers, each designed and built in Sweden using the finest materials and incorporating the latest technology.

What Is A Steam Room?

Unlike a sauna, which uses dry heat to create a cleansing, relaxing experience, a steam room or steam bath produces moist heat by emitting steam into an enclosed space. 

How Does A Steam Room Work?

Steam rooms typically involve the following key components: 

  • Steam Generator: The heart of the steam room, responsible for heating water to produce steam. This can be powered by either electricity or a source of natural gas positioned outside of the room.
  • Control Panel: This feature allows users to control the temperature, humidity, and duration of their steam session. 
  • Seating and Ventilation: Steam rooms are typically equipped with benches or seating, allowing users to sit or recline comfortably. Proper ventilation ensures that fresh air is circulated.

Types Of Steam Rooms

Steam rooms have been cherished for centuries for their ability to promote relaxation and well-being. They come in various types, each offering a range of benefits and experiences. Here some of the most popular designs on the market.

Traditional Steam Rooms

Traditional steam rooms are often found in gyms, spas, and wellness centres. They work by heating water to produce steam, generating an environment that’s high in humidity. They typically feature tiled walls and benches for sitting or reclining.

Ancient Charm: Dating back to the time of the ancient Greeks, steam rooms have been a part of human culture for thousands of years. From the Roman thermae to the Turkish hammams, they have had many different interpretations over the years.

Architectural Elegance: Often featuring domed ceilings, tiled walls, and tiered seating, steam rooms are known for their opulent design features – creating a relaxing atmosphere that adds to the overall ambiance. 

Heated by Generators: The generators that power traditional steam rooms can be controlled with precision, allowing for total control over factors such as temperature and humidity. 

Home Steam Shower

A home steam shower is ideal for those wanting to enjoy the benefits of steam therapy without installing a full traditional steam room. 

Budget-Friendly:  These compact units are typically much cheaper to install compared to a traditional steam room. 

Easy Maintenance: Home steam showers are relatively easy to maintain, making them a practical choice for homeowners.

Tylö catalogue

Sauna, steam, and infrared solutions that integrate seamlessly into your home.

With a huge passion for sauna and wellness, a solid foundation in traditional craftsmanship, and a wealth of industry knowledge, Tylö always strives to create the best possible products – changing our customers’ lives in the process. When you invest in our designs, you’re not just buying a sauna or steam room: you’re making an investment in your health and future.

10 Steam Room Benefits

Steam rooms offer several potential health and relaxation benefits. Here are some of the key advantages:

Relaxation and Stress Relief

Steam rooms create a calming environment that can help reduce stress and promote relaxation. The warm, moist air can soothe both the body and mind, leading to a sense of tranquillity.

Improved Circulation

The heat in a steam room causes blood vessels to dilate, which can improve circulation. This can be particularly beneficial for people with circulation issues or those looking to promote cardiovascular health.

Skin Health

Steam can open up pores and help cleanse the skin of impurities and dead skin cells. This can lead to a clearer complexion and healthier-looking skin.

Respiratory Benefits

Steam inhalation can be helpful for individuals with respiratory issues such as allergies, asthma, and congestion. It can help to loosen mucus and ease breathing.

Muscle Relaxation

The warmth of a steam room can relax muscles and ease tension; especially beneficial for athletes or those who engage in strenuous physical activity.


Sweating in a steam room helps the body to eliminate toxins through the skin. This can support the body’s natural detoxification processes.

Pain Relief

Steam rooms may provide relief from certain types of pain, including arthritis pain and muscle aches, by promoting muscle relaxation and reducing inflammation.

Weight Loss

While not a primary method for weight loss, spending time in a steam room can lead to temporary water weight loss due to sweating. It’s essential to rehydrate afterward.

Better Sleep

The relaxation and stress reduction achieved in a steam room can contribute to improved sleep quality for some individuals.

Social and Recreational Benefits

Steam rooms can be social spaces, allowing people to connect and unwind together. They are often found in spa and wellness facilities, creating a pleasant environment for socializing and relaxation.

It’s important to note that while steam rooms offer numerous potential benefits, they may not be suitable for everyone. People with certain medical conditions (e.g., heart problems, high blood pressure, or respiratory conditions) should consult a healthcare professional before using a steam room. Additionally, it’s crucial to drink plenty of water before and after using a steam room to stay hydrated, as sweating can lead to fluid loss.

Steam Room Design

Designing a steam room is an art; it takes careful planning to create a space that’s both functional and comfortable. Here are some key factors to consider when planning your installation.


First, decide on a suitable location for your steam room. It should be easily accessible and have proper ventilation to allow air to circulate. Ideally, it should also be close to bathroom facilities.

Size and Layout:

Determine the size of your steam room based on the available space as well as your needs. Standard residential steam rooms typically range from 1.2×1.2m to 1.8×1.8m. Consider the layout of benches, seating, and any additional features you may want to include.

Seating and Benches:

The key here is to think comfortable and ergonomic. Use moisture-resistant materials such as tiled or stone benches and ensure adequate space for lounging or sitting.

Steam Generator:

It’s important to select the right size of steam generator for your steam room. It should be located outside the steam room in a position that is easily accessible for maintenance.

If your design is complex or you have specific requirements, it’s advisable to consult with a professional architect or interior designer with experience in steam room design.

Remember that safety, comfort, and proper ventilation are paramount in steam room design. By carefully considering these factors, you can create a steam room that provides a relaxing and enjoyable experience.

Steam Room Installation

ITylö has a wide range of options for those wanting to enjoy steam bathing in their own home. 

From steam columns that can convert any niche into a steam room to large custom-fitted spaces suitable for multiple bathers, there’s something to suit every requirement. Here are some tips on steam room installation.

Starting with the basics, your steam room will require plumbing, drainage and electricity. The generator will need to be located in a dry and well ventilated space, although it can be as many as 15 metres away from the steam room itself.

Some popular locations for a steam room.

Many Tylö products will fit beautifully and seamlessly into a luxury bathroom, such as the Panacea and Vista self-contained steam rooms or the sauna-and-steam combinations of the Panacea Twin. As well as making a strong design statement, they also provide a calm oasis for relaxation in the comfort of your own home.

Steam rooms are also ideal for home gyms and health spas. For those engaging in strenuous exercise, a steam bath can help to ease muscles and avoid injury or stiffness. Meanwhile, swimming pool areas can also benefit from steam room installations, creating an air of luxury and a sense of wellbeing.

Other things to consider when installing a steam room.

If correctly installed, steam rooms should cause very few problems throughout their lifespan. The structure must be well insulated and easy to seal, so that steam isn’t able to escape into the rest of the house. Both steam showers and steam rooms require little maintenance once installed and are remarkably economical to operate.

Steam Room Generator

Like saunas, steam rooms and steam showers are a way of sweat bathing in order to relax the muscles, cleanse the body and relax the mind. While traditional and infrared saunas predominantly produce a dry heat at a high temperature, steam baths are maintained at lower temperatures but with almost 100% humidity.

In a steam room, a generator produces thick clouds of steam that envelop the bather. The device itself is actually relatively simple, requiring little in the way of upkeep or maintenance.

The steam generator consists of a tank for holding water, an inlet for fresh water, and an outlet for the steam. At the base of the water tank there is an electrical element to boil the water. The electrical rating of that element determines the size or power of the steam generator and therefore the amount of steam it can produce. 

In order for steam pressure to build up, the water tank needs to be airtight and extremely strong. Typically, tanks are made from welded steel and fitted with a pressure release valve for optimum safety.

How does the process work? 

Water is fed into the water tank via a solenoid-controlled valve, which is driven by a water level sensor in the tank. The water supply can be either hot or cold, although a hot supply will speed up the process slightly. As the heating element boils the water, steam is generated, passing through the output pipe and into the steam shower or steam room.  The steam generator can be up to 15 metres away from the steam bath. 

The Cost Of Running A Steam Room

Contrary to popular belief, steam rooms and steam showers are actually surprisingly economical to run. Of course, the actual cost will vary depending on the size of your room and the generator that powers it. 

A small steam shower, for example, might require a 2.2kW steam generator, while a typical home steam room would require something closer to 6kW. Assuming an electricity cost of 25p per kWh – and taking into account the time needed to warm up the room or shower before bathing – a 20-minute session would cost somewhere between 16p and 45p.

And the associated costs are limited as well. Other than regular cleaning, the only other expense is the addition of a descaling agent that should be run through the generator periodically – precisely how often depends on the hardness of water in your area.

Steam Room Maintenance

In order to continue enjoying a safe and rewarding experience, it’s important to properly maintain your steam room. Experts recommend that you clean and disinfect the room regularly to prevent the growth of mould and bacteria. You should wipe down all surfaces with a mild, non-abrasive cleaner – paying special attention to the steam generator and nozzles – and check frequently for any leaks. It’s also advisable to clean the air intake vents and fans regularly to ensure proper circulation, and check the door seals to prevent steam from escaping. 

Steam room owners should also inspect the heating elements, thermostat, and control panel frequently to ensure that they are working correctly, and repair/replace any elements that show signs of damage. Seating, benches, and flooring should also be examined for signs of wear and tear, and replaced as required. 

You should always adhere to the manufacturer’s recommended maintenance schedule, which may include professional inspections and serving. Proper steam room maintenance will extend the lifespan of the product and ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for users.

Steam Room Cleaning

Imagine stepping into a steam room filled with mould, mildew, and grime. Not very inviting, is it? Regular cleaning isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s about hygiene and safety too. Here’s why it’s important:

  • Hygiene Matters: Steam rooms create a warm, humid environment that can become a breeding ground for bacteria and mould. Cleaning will prevent the build-up of these unsavoury elements.
  • Health and Safety: A clean steam room is a safe steam room. Dirty surfaces can become slippery, posing a risk to users. Moreover, mould and mildew can trigger allergies and respiratory issues.
  • Maintaining Equipment: Your steam room generator and ventilation system work hard to provide a relaxing experience. Regular cleaning will extend their lifespan and keep them running efficiently.

Steam Room Safety And Etiquette

Steam rooms offer a sanctuary of warmth and relaxation, providing numerous benefits for both the body and mind. However, to fully enjoy this oasis, it’s vital to be mindful of steam room safety and etiquette.

Safety should always come first. Before entering a steam room, it’s crucial to stay hydrated, especially since the heat can lead to dehydration. Individuals with underlying medical conditions, such as heart problems or respiratory issues, should consult their doctors before using a steam room. It’s also important to limit your time inside to around 15-20 minutes to prevent overheating. During your session, find a comfortable position, breathe deeply, and be aware of the temperature. If you feel dizzy or uncomfortable at any point, exit the steam room promptly. 

Wearing appropriate attire, such as a swimsuit or a clean towel, will protect your modesty and promote good hygiene. You should also remove any jewellery to avoid burns. 

It’s also important to observe proper steam room etiquette. Maintaining a quiet atmosphere is essential, as many come to steam rooms in search of tranquillity and relaxation. It’s also courteous to respect the personal space of others and refrain from using electronic devices such as phones and tablets. Before entering, you should take a shower to remove sweat and oils. Avoid applying any lotions or oils inside the steam room, as they can interfere with the steam generator. 

By following these safety guidelines and practising good steam room etiquette, you will create a harmonious environment that everyone can enjoy.

Steam Room Accessories

Stepping into a steam room is like entering a sanctuary of relaxation and rejuvenation. But if you want to really elevate this therapeutic experience, you should invest in the right accessories as well. With the right add-ons, a simple steam bath can be transformed into a luxurious retreat, offering comfort, convenience, and sensory delight.

Whether you’re a regular steam enthusiast or a newcomer, there’s something for everyone in Tylö’s range of steam room accessories. From stylish LED lighting to aromatherapy dispensers and everything in between, discover the essential elements for creating an indulgent escape.

Some of our most popular steam room accessories:

Steam Generator: The generator is the heart of your steam room, transforming water into hot, soothing steam. It’s important to choose the right capacity for your room size. 

Steam Room Door: A well-sealed door is an essential part of any steam room. Look for designs made from tempered glass and stainless steel.

Steam Room Lighting: Waterproof and heat-resistant LED lights create a soothing ambience in your steam room. Opt for colour-changing lights for a customisable experience.

Steam Room Bench or Seating: Comfortable seating is a must. We offer a range of benches made from durable and hygienic Corian®, as well as moisture-resistant tile and mosaic benches. We do not recommend wooden benches for use in a steam room. 

Water Softeners: Water softeners help to remove calcium, magnesium, and metal cations from hard water. The resulting water is more compatible with steam generators and will extend the lifespan of your product.

Fragrance System: These systems enhance the therapeutic properties of your steam bath by adding a choice of aromas to the room.

The History Of Steam Rooms

Sweat bathing has been popular in many cultures throughout the world for hundreds and hundreds of years. Most historians believe that the practice first emerged in ancient Greece, where philosophers and physicians such as Homer and Hippocrates wrote about the therapeutic benefits of steam. Later, the Romans adopted the practice, adding many of the architectural elements that are familiar to steam room users today. 

From Rome, the idea of the steam bath spread to the Ottoman Empire, where it was combined with local traditions to create the hammam. And before long, this bathing culture became deeply ingrained in Turkish culture. Meanwhile, the concept was spreading across the globe, taking root in cultures as diverse as Russia, the Americas, and Japan.

After centuries of popularity, though, these practices began to drop from favour as colonialism, wars, and the Age of Enlightenment shifted the cultural landscape of the world. Fortunately, though, this dip in popularity was only temporary. And as the Industrial Revolution made bathing more convenient and accessible then ever before, steam baths became de rigueur once more.

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